Caden Nemoff


A San Francisco, California native, Caden Nemoff made one of the hardest decisions of his life two years ago. Moving from his home to Arizona, Caden had the goal of being one of the best pickleball coaches in the state, and to be a top 30 pickleball professional worldwide.

While Caden quickly made a name for himself as a coach, he wasn’t able to travel as much as he wanted to attend tournaments, so in may of 2023, he quit his coaching job to play pickleball full time, joining the tour and soon becoming one of the top players in the game.

Even though Caden’s athletic background is in baseball, he found his niche in pickleball, utilizing his finely tuned hand-eye coordination and athleticism. He is grateful for his family’s support, especially knowing that his mother would prefer he pursued a medical career!